When it comes to running (and surviving) your festival, having a team you can depend on is crucial.

But how do you build such a team of volunteers? We’ve seen many strategies in place. From accepting everyone with a pulse, to depending on friends and family (#beenthere), to praying for God’s provision, we’ve seen it handled many ways. We’ve also seen many events get cancelled because there simply wasn’t the volunteer support required.

So how do you find the right volunteers?

Better yet, how do you get them to find you? On Thursday, February 28th, 2019, Tandempark Founder and CEO, Liam Squires, will be leading an interactive and engaging workshop that explores how we attract, inspire, and engage volunteers in our festivals, events, and programs.

FEO Conference 2019 brings event professionals from across the province together to celebrate and learn from each other regarding best tricks, trends, and best practices. Tandempark is excited to be in attendance among so many people who represent the events and festivals that help to create strong, vibrant, connected communities across Ontario. With so many depending on the faithful efforts of volunteers, the work Tandempark does is directly relevant. The nature of this workshop should prove to be equally meaningful.

So what’s this workshop all about?

From Awareness to Action: Recruiting and Engaging the Right Volunteers takes participants through the socio-emotional journey that prospective volunteers move through before committing to help. We’ll then explore strategies and frameworks that can help guide people through that process and inspire the right volunteers to sign up.

What will we cover?

1. How it feels to decide to volunteer – Understanding the socio-emotional journey
2. How we market to volunteers – An actionable, intentional four-part recruitment framework
3. Elevator pitch alternative – An impact statement exercise for more effective volunteer recruitment


From Awareness to Action: Recruiting and Engaging the Right Volunteers
Thursday, February 28, 2019
London Convention Centre - Salon D

Not already registered? Don’t miss out!
For more information about FEO Conference 2019, or to register to attend, click here.

Liam Squires

Founder & CEO

Liam Squires is the founder and CEO of Tandempark, an online civic engagement platform that helps organizations recruit, manage, schedule, and communicate with their volunteers, while making it easier than ever for people to discover and engage in meaningful and rewarding activities. With a background in volunteerism, event management, education, and marketing, he has delivered talks and workshops on volunteer recruitment and engagement, entrepreneurship, and disruptive technology.

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