Volunteer management just keeps getting better.

We’re excited to announce that this week, just a month after our last big release of 2.0, our developers have done it again and created another exciting update. With this new release, volunteer organizers can now update, store, and access information about your volunteers. In addition to the Notes and Experience Tab, Volunteer Profile Cards now include three new sections: Contact Info, Medical Info, and Emergency Contacts.

First, a recap…


Notes was one of the first sections we added when we started building out Volunteer Profile Cards. You can think of them as digital sticky-notes that are available wherever you like to login to Tandempark. They are private so they can only be accessed by you as the administrator.


Along with Notes, the Experience tab was an early addition to the Volunteer Profile Card. It contains a list of all shifts you’ve scheduled the volunteer for and the shifts they have coming up, giving you at-a-glance insight to your volunteer’s activity.

Now, for the new stuff…

Contact Info.

This is the first new section we’ve added and probably the one you expected. With this new update, Tandempark allows you to add up to two different mailing addresses and phone numbers for each of your volunteers. Now, instead of having a separate system to store this basic contact information, you can keep it all together in one place - right here on Tandempark.

Medical Info.

A piece of vital information you should have on file is a record of any medical conditions your volunteers have advised you of. For this reason, we felt it was important to make this as easy to access as possible. Under the Medical Info tab, you will see three fields for you to organize this information.

Allergies. Use this section to record any known allergies your volunteers have.

Conditions. We suggest using this section for any other medical conditions that a volunteer is managing. How you define a ‘condition’ is up to you since this data is entered and accessed only by you as the organization’s administrator.

Other Notes. Of course there will be times when you encounter a note that you want to have on file but it may not make sense to call it an allergy or a condition. We added this section for situations like this, just in case.

Emergency Contacts.

While we hope to never need this information, knowing who to contact in an emergency is a critical piece of information for a volunteer admin team. This tab allows you to add up to two contact persons, their phone and email, as well as their relationship to the volunteer. Just like the other sections, we’ve added, this information can only be added and accessed by you when you are logged in as an organizer. And just in case you’re wondering, we do not use the contact information you add here for any purpose other than have it ready for you in case you need it.

Where do you find this information?

Volunteer Profile Cards can be accessed by clicking on a volunteer’s name, either in the Volunteer Roster Screen, or the Project Screen. From there, each of the tabs are listed across the screen, giving you convenient access to the information you are looking for.

And let’s not forget the CSV import tool upgrade.

We know it can take forever to manually enter this information. That’s why we timed this release with an update to the CSV import tool. Now you can upload a CSV file to update any or all of your volunteers. This part can be a little technical to do it all on your own, which is why our team is excited to help you out with this. Of course, if you would like to do it yourself, we’ve created a tutorial and a couple resources that can be found right here.

What do you think?

While we can get excited about the new features we build into Tandempark, it really doesn’t matter if they’re not helping you. So let us know if we’re on the right track! Your feedback is vital to our continued progress and being able to best support you in all that you do.

Live generously,


Liam Squires

Founder & CEO

Liam Squires is the founder and CEO of Tandempark, an online civic engagement platform that helps organizations recruit, manage, schedule, and communicate with their volunteers, while making it easier than ever for people to discover and engage in meaningful and rewarding activities. With a background in volunteerism, event management, education, and marketing, he has delivered talks and workshops on volunteer recruitment and engagement, entrepreneurship, and disruptive technology.

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