Helping you build a better and brighter tomorrow.

Less of what you have to do. More of what you love to do.

Let’s be honest. Where would you rather be? At your desk, drawing up schedules and typing up reminders, or out there, making your community awesome? That’s what we thought. Unfortunately, managing your volunteers can easily get in the way of making the most of their help. That’s why we created Tandempark.

You go change the world (and leave the paperwork to us).

We’re making it easier for volunteers to engage and connect in meaningful and rewarding projects in their community and reducing the wait, worry, work and waste that can consume your day. We can help you with…

Ready to get started?

Create your account!

Interest based matching, so you
know you have a great team supporting you.

Intuitive scheduling interface, so you can
easily plan and fill your shifts and let us do the reminding.

Secure messaging, so you can
communicate with one person, a team, or everyone on your roster.

Built-in feedback, so you can
recognize and celebrate the amazing work your volunteers do.

Automatic hour tracking, so you
don’t have to worry about it.

Data collection and reporting, so you can
easily see and share your organization’s volunteer engagement.

One community working together,
building a better and brighter tomorrow.

“Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what what I can.”

| Princess Diana |

Making your volunteer program more efficient, effective, and enjoyable.

The administrative workload that accompanies volunteer management is unnecessarily taxing and we think it’s time for a change. Tandempark simplifies and streamlines time-consuming tasks like recruiting, scheduling, and communication into an intuitive and seamless system.

Build your projects with Tandempark and let our schedule interface make life a bit easier. Let us take care of sending out shift notifications. No, really. We insist. And while we’re at it, let’s do away with those pesky hour tracking sheets and make it easier to report all the awesome work your team has been doing. Volunteers check in. Volunteers check out. Tandempark will do the counting so all you have to do is sign off on our math (feel free to double-check it).

And since we connect people to projects based on their interests and skills, your team will do an amazing job and be excited about how they’re getting involved!

Did someone say ‘recruiting’?

That’s right. We went there. Some of our most excited members can see that building a volunteer community means we’re making it easier for you to find volunteers you wouldn’t have reached otherwise. No more of this ‘help wanted’ poster nonsense (sorry, Graphic Artists). No more cross postings. No more nagging your friends and family to help. Well, you can certainly do all of that, but why would you?

Tandempark helps you grow your volunteer team by matching the causes you care about with volunteers that share the same passions. Want to know the really awesome part? The more our community grows, the more volunteers you can connect with!

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that is all who ever has.”

| Margaret Mead |

Designed for impact. Priced for sustainability.

Tandempark membership is priced with the user in mind. We know budgets can be limited and the competition for resources can get strained. We are confident that the investment of joining Tandempark is more than offset by the savings you’ll enjoy. At $25/month ($300 per year), our membership rates help keep our lights on while costing less than printing 30 ‘volunteers needed’ posters per month. Add the time you are saving by not having to go out distributing those posters, or the hours you don’t have to put into designing them in the first place, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for some great savings.

Early Adopter Rate

$25/monthly + applicable taxes
  • Interest Matching
  • Project Scheduler
  • Team Communication
  • Volunteer Feedback
  • Hour Tracking
  • Engagement Reporting
  • A United Volunteer Community
Contact us to get started!

Pesky budget restrictions getting in the way?

Not to worry. Every so often, for one reason or another, some organizations are unable to find it in their budget to cover this membership fee. That’s why we offer a unique sponsorship option that we would be glad to make available. We work with local and larger businesses to partner with us. If this option seems right for you, let us know. We would love to help make this happen!

Woah, hang on. Tandempark isn’t a not-for-profit?

That’s right. And we’re okay with it. We want to help not-for-profits, not compete for your funding. We want you to continue to enjoy any financial support you’re already receiving.

However, Tandempark is a social enterprise and we consider our impact on the community to be one of our most important indicators of success. We hope to engage more volunteers to be more involved and help organizations just like yours improve efficiencies and reduce the time and energy you spend on the tasks we can do for you.

It’s a fresh approach to volunteerism and we’re excited to help you help our communities.

Ready to get started?

Create your account!