If you’ve ever been in a networking event, you’ve probably encountered your fair share of the infamous Elevator Pitch or it’s not-too-distant relative, the Mission+Vision Sandwich. And if you’re like me, you’ve cringed at the idea of having to go to one of those ‘opportunities to connect’, mostly because you knew you were bound to hear a half dozen or so rehearsed responses to that deep question…

“So, what do you do?”

For some time now, we’ve been working on a better way to respond to that question and are starting to land pretty close to something we call our Impact Statement. Here’s ours:

“It’s no secret that communities depend on the generous act of volunteerism. Tandempark is a volunteer network that helps people who care about their community discover local opportunities to connect and engage with volunteer programs so we can all work together and strengthen and enrich our communities. Our volunteer engagement platform helps non-profits recruit, manage, and communicate with their volunteers so they can lead their teams and tackle the challenges they see, in their community.”

Why create an Impact Statement?

The value of creating an Impact Statement cannot be overstated. As you’ll see in the resource below, it’s an entryway into conversations that go deeper than “So what do you do? … Oh that’s neat.”

  • Opens the door for further conversation.
  • Identifies the pain/problem you are tackling.
  • Positions your role in solving the problem.
  • Presents an opportunity for the audience to see their role in your mission.
  • Invites the audience to join your crusade.